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FW1906 IC Protocol and datasheet

Time:2023-04-30 Views:1577
The FW1906 IC adopt single data signal communication method, The data encoding adopt unipolar RZ code.The Din of chip
receive data from signal source,locking 48bit data and send them to data latch, PWM scanning unit deal 48bit data and send
relative duty ratio signal to relative OUTR,OUTG,OUTB. 
At the same time, Reshaping and amplify extra data,
Forwarding them to subsequent chip via Dout of IC.Based on this rule. The data reduce 48bit pass through every pixel.
All chips receive relative data signal and drive the relative leds.
The data auto-reshaping forwarding technology to
ensure that the number of cascaded chips is not limited. The more cascaded chips request the higher data transmission rate.

FW1906 IC Feature:

1. SOP10 Package,Six channel constant current output.Default current 18mA/ch

2. PWM scanning Frequency 2.6Khz,it can support 800kbps data rating.

3. 8bit/color, 256 Grayscale.

4.Single data signal control. The data encoding must comply with unipolar-RZ code rule.

5. Don‘t need Clock signal, Built-in oscillation frequency (Fosc=800Khz)

FW1906 IC Data Format:

IC Pin R2 G2 B2 R1 G1 B1
Data Bit 8bit 8bit 8bit 8bit 8bit 8bit

The Data are sent in the order RGB (R2 8bit-G2 8bit -B2 8bit- R1 8bit -G1 8bit -B1 8bit), High bit in priority.

FW1906 IC Output prot and Our FW1906 RGBTW led strip color matching:

IC  Pin R2 G2 B2 R1 G1 B1
LED Strip‘ Color w ww empty green red blue

Note: Our FW1906 RGBTW Digital led strip, B2 8bit are empty. You can set  8bit 0.  Link FW1906 Datasheet.

FW1906 IC Timing at 800kbps data rating 

Name Description Min Typical Max Unit
T0H 0 code,high level time 0.32 0.36 0.40 μs
T1H 1 code,high level time 0.64 0.72 0.80 μs
T0L 0 Code,low level time - 0.97 - μs
T1L 1 code,low level time - 0.61 - μs
Trst Reset code,low level time 200


PS:The low level time don‘t exceed 20μs among bytes.

FW1906 data transmission method

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